Noya AI-powered development and design tools for businesses and individuals. Start creating your website, landing page, wireframe, or prototype in minutes using artificial intelligence. 01000 AI设计
Visily Visily is the UI design software anyone can use. With Visily, you can create hi-fidelity wireframes and prototypes in minutes, all with no learning curve. 01010 AI设计
美图设计室 美图设计室是美图秀秀旗下的智能设计在线协作平台,是一款平面设计工具和在线平面设计软件,提供海量海报模板,跨境电商模板,跨境电商banner,跨境电商主图,邀请函,公告通知,喜报,logo等免费设计素材和模板,可在线智能生成海报,一键换色,一键换装,一键去水印,图片高清修复,无损放大,抠图,拼图。 0820 AI设计# 免费图文素材# 免费海报设计# 平面设计制作
Wegic Hi, I'm Wegic. I can help you create and modify websites by simple conversations. Let's chat in your preferred language and bring your ideas to life! 0450 AI设计# Wegic
Superflow With Superflow agencies and marketing teams can deliver high quality assets 10x faster. You can comment and collaborate on assets like live websites, video, pdf, lottie files, images and more. 0970 AI设计 Product design made delightful with AI magic. Ideate, design, collaborate, prototype, handoff - all in one tool, all made easier and more joyful with AI. 0330 AI设计
稿定AI 海量设计模板加持不会PS也能轻松搞定设计,在线设计海报、简历、PPT、名片、宣传单、邀请函、Logo等多种设计需求场景,3秒抠图、批量套版、AI辅助设计实用便捷。海量正版授权资源,商用无忧。 0500 AI设计# 图片设计# 在线设计# 海报设计
墨刀AI 墨刀是A股上市公司万兴科技旗下的原型设计工具,支持APP、网站页面、管理后台、可视化大屏、工业HMI、小程序、H5多场景领域原型设计,AI智能生成组件、页面,智能填充,支持执行AI语义化指令,支持团队项目实时协作和管理,金融级数据安全保障,还支持私有化部署,是产品经理、设计师和技术开发团队必备工具。 0890 AI设计